Well, that happened.
The absurdity of last night's "debate" is beyond comprehension. That Donald Trump, a crass, self-serving narcissist is our president is beyond belief. That our president would, on national television, refuse to condemn white supremacy is beyond even MY imagination of how bad it could get. The president of our country is making a call to arms, encouraging militants to come out and intimidate their fellow citizens, under the guise of protecting the voting process.
You wonder how Hitler came to power? This is how it happens.
I am sad that the occupant of the White House has brought such shame to my country, reducing our status as a world power to a sad joke. China is thrilled. Europe is appalled. Our democracy actually IS at risk.
But mostly I'm sad that there are Americans who support him. I am frightened that there are American Citizens who think they have the right to carry guns to other states and try to intimidate protestors. Even kill them. I am frightened that there are American Citizens who are so misguided about how democracy works... I avoided saying ignorant there, but that's what I'm thinking. Not stupid, but ignorant. Stupid is a life sentence. Ignorance is curable, if there's a desire to overcome it.
Trump encourages blind ignorance. I'm so sad that this horrible human being has any followers at all, that he pretends to love our country and they believe him, and that he would actually encourage some Americans to take up arms against their neighbors.
Think about it. Or are you like the frog in the water, not noticing that the water is heating up? Please. VOTE. STAND UP for DEMOCRACY. STAND UP for your fellow Americans of all colors, creeds, gender, class. Restore my faith in my beloved country.
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