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September 21, 2015


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Laurel Strand

Congratulations, Jan!

Jain Elliott

Thanks for all the great ones.

Ann Privrasky

I'm bereft. It has been such an essential part of my mornings! But, I wish you well.

Karen Buchanan

I am a fan of yours will miss the daily grind of stories of your Stone family, yet I can understand gets tedious daily strips and life keeps going on. You created a great family like to see the children grow up and become productive adults. I have not read as long as most of your fans but I understand. To me 20 years is not long as my husband worked 36 years wished longer in aircraft. Thank you.

Jan Eliot

Hi Karen, thanks for reading Stone Soup and for being a loyal fan. 20 years is not so long, but this 20 years comes after 25 years of waitressing, car sales, graphic design, advertising and community college teaching… I am tired! My best to you and your husband. Keep reading the Sundays—Jan

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