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November 15, 2012


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Keisha Washington

Very disappointed with your recent cartoon depicting a White woman dating a black man. It's an afront to all black wmnen to depict black men always wanting white women.

Peggy Shippen

Dear Jan,

I love your cartoons and the fact that you have a young gal helping you. Last weekend, our granddaughter from small town Rio Vista on the Sacramento Delta in CA, went to her first prom. Sadly, the prom ended early when the students learned that a girl and classmate was killed in an auto accident coming home from taking her college stat tests. She was a friend of our granddaughter. It was the first time our granddaughter (a Jr. in H.S.) has lost a friend and Mother says she just doesn't know how to really deal with it all. They why the loss etc. I know it's a terrible subject for a cartoonist but if you were able to find a way to deal with this in your cartoons, it could be helpful

Peggy Shippen

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